I Am Reading Aloud
video, duration 2 min 56 sec
Normalisation of everyday life is a problem for me. As a Deaf person, I do not use speech on a daily basis. The majority of the ordinary do not accept my ordinary. The ordinary see a faulty part of me or my deficiency, feeling the need to fix or supplement it. They expect me to belong fully to their circle – the circle of the ordinary. I decide to rule my own speech, my own voice, my own message. I use them to meet expectations of the ordinary. Some groups of people strongly oppose me in accordance with their norms. They claim that I should not use speech. They may feel uncomfortable, bad, be ridiculed or offended by my lack of reverence for the speech. In my verbal activity, I emphasise the existing ambivalence between nonconformity and conformity.
film, editing, subtitles: Tomasz Grabowski
sound: Wojciech Ulman
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