The Eyes That Move Closer to or Away From a Person
object (satin, aluminum hoop, 600 x 250 cm)
The object The Eyes That Move Closer to or Away From a Person shows the impact of church architecture on people’s perspectives and behaviours. A church is a form of an institutionalised way of looking, expressed through a specific architectonic space that shapes our habits and our subconscious, in the same way as pews positioned towards the altar force us to look up at the authority while ignoring the surroundings.
This social hierarchy pervades our daily lives also outside the church. Divisions in society lead people to act and behave in certain ways prescribed by rules imposed from above. This eventually leads to mutual stigmatisation and indifference to fellow humans.
The Eyes That Move Closer to or Away From a Person was inspired by the Deaf Space concept based on adapting the space to sign language communication, in which all participants maintain eye contact. In this way, the space is set to promote equality and engagement, changing social norms and increasing empathy.
The cylindrical object with movable eyeballs opposes hierarchy and encourages mutual attention. The eyeballs on outside of the object watch the world, while the inner ones look at each other. The aim is to prompt reflection on the new approach to seeing and communicating that draws inspiration from the Deaf Space, where eye contact is of key importance. The space in which everyone is equal may contribute to more empathy and less indifference.
sewing: Wisła Nicieja
hoop: Piotr Szczygielski
Project realised as part of the exhibition “Tremors” organised by the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdańsk.
photo credit Jan Rusek and Tomasz Maryks