object (glass, stone)
The work refers to the concept of biopower (power over biology) and biopolitics (conscious use of bio power in practice) in the view of Michel Foucault.
The object indicates the relationship between stone and glass. Both stone and glass have their own individual character, however, they are made of the same atoms. The first material expresses durability, opacity, and roughness, the second – delicacy, transparency, and smoothness. Glass is the result of human production, which can symbolise utopia and biopower, while stone belongs to the sphere of nature and is not consistent with the theory of biopower. My work is a utopian attempt to perfectly combine both materials to maintain balance between both spheres despite visual contrast between them.
The work was created as an annex to the diploma work created in the Intermedia studio of Zuzanna Sadowa, PhD at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
photo credit Piotr Kruszak